Poems of Thobile Maso

Kings Of Special Type

A poem by Thobile Maso©Tobile Maso 2007

Dear people of motherland, hear me out
You are walking history of our country
You are the eyes for the future
The legends of revolutionary path

Strange! Very strange!
Isimanga! Sezi manga!

Are we now slaves of uncrowned kings of monopolies
Who decides what must we eat and how much
Who determines the songs of the day to be sung
Casualised jobs for cheap labour power
Kind of houses provided by, with money talks
Yesterday revolutionaries become chieftains

New kings without crowns

Did we buy this democratic Republic
Did we buy presidents and legislatures
Where is intersection of departure
Where is the back bone of our revolution

Are they, now cadres of multi share capitalist cartels
Are they, now iindunas of stock exchange

Kings and Queens

National sovereignty is acutely compromised
Economic exclusion deepens in societal basis

Izibonda. zemigodi ziya didizela

Covert systems of colonization in a sheep skin
The truth with exposure is coming home to roost
What must we do with the riches of our land
We pursue these liars to the threshold of their lies.

The K.O.S.T. is costly in our society

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