Poems of Thobile Maso

No More, No More

A poem by Thobile Maso©2002 Thobile Maso

Yes! It is enough
Let me talk to you
Let me provoke your social being
No one can give personhood
No one can take personhood
Respect women never neglect them
No more, no more
Men are powered and privileged
women are treated as things
As things that carry babies to term
As things that nourish them for survival
As things that are intimidated and dominated
No more, no more
Yes! Women are the beginning of life
Men are brought in this world naked
They are bathed by women with love
they were taught the first step in life
Women are the back bone
The source of human existence
No more, no more
Women are deprived sexual rights
Deprived dignity they deserve
Deprived the right to life
the moment has come to know
Without women, no families
Without families, no communities
Communities build society
No more, no more
Children are dehumanised and dying
Rapes and blue eyes are order of the day
Women are sick and tired
Men be sick and tired with women
Enough is enough
No more, no more

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