Poems of Thobile Maso


a poem by Thobile Maso©2002 Thobile Maso


The medicine that turns people into Zombies
The medicine of capitalist trade
Why has Africa fallen into this mess
A mess over my land
A mess over my continent
A mess over my world

That is what the IMF is - A mess

The IMF is an Imperialist monetary fund
is an Imperialist misery fallacy
is an Imperialist mercenary force
Medicating the medicine to murder the masses

That is what the IMF is - A mess

The medicine for social destabilisation
The medicine for profit and privatisation
The pill for competition and conflict
The pill for collaboration and confusion
Swallowed for endless dollar bills

Let the IMF not rule the people
Let the IMF not fool the workers
Let the IMF not starve the masses

Workers - working for all
Workers - feeding them all
The IMF is the doctor that kills mercilessly

That is what the IMF is - A mess

Secret agreements that retrench workers
Conditions that freeze salaries
The dollars, that dismantle the state industries

That is what the IMF is - A mess

People are demoralised
They do things not because they like to
They do things because they have to
On the left people are dying because they have nothing to eat
On the right people are dying because they eat too much
Confusion in the capitalist society

That is what the IMF is - A mess

Yes! A mess

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