Poems of Thobile Maso

Senzenina? (What Have We Done?)

A poem by Thobile Maso©2002 Thobile Maso

It is funny, but no laughing at all
Many are poor
Many are without food
Many are without jobs
What have we done – senzenina?
The bosses are fat
The rich people are the bosses
They own factories
They own mines
they own wealth
They own the power of our existence
What have we done – senzenina?
The workers are hungry
The poor people are workers
They build houses, but they live in shacks
They make cars, but they die without owning one
They clean university offices, but never get education
They dig gold in the bowls of the earth, but get none
They cook food, but they eat dogmor
What have we done – senzenina?
The bosses are hiring and firing
They give workers the survival wages
They take the profits
it is cat and the mouse situation
The bosses are parasites sucking, sucking, sucking
The blood of the workers
What have we done – senzenina?
Workers are many
Bosses are few
Workers do all the work
Bosses live on profits
Break the chains united we stand
Socialism is the future, build it now
What have we done – senzenina?
Senzenina – what have we done ?

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