Union Songs
The Rebel Snowman
The miners of Silverwood, having been told they were confined to six pickets only, built themselves a seventh comrade in the shape of a large snowman, wearing for good measure a plastic policeman's helmet.
Next morning Chief Inspector Nesbitt appears on the scene and seeing the jeering miners and their steely eyed companion, ordered the constables to knock it down. This order brought rebellion to the police ranks as PCs declined to "look so fucking stupid knocking down a snowman". "Very well" shouts the irate Nesbitt, jumping in his Range Rover and charging off to demolish the snowman, as pickets ran laughing for cover.
Maybe it was a trick of the light, or maybe a twinkle glistened in the icy countenance on the snowman's fixed expression - we shall never know, as the Range Rover made contact and came to a dead stop, smashing front grill, bumper and headlamps and hurling the shocked Nesbitt into the steering wheel.
PCs found excuses to walk away or suppress body shaking laughter while pickets fell about on the ground in side splitting mirth. The snowman had been constructed around a three foot high two foot thick concrete post!
from "All Power to the Imagination!" Dave Douglass, London, 1999
union songs..........a selection by mark gregory