Union Songs

Respect Construction Workers

A song by Julius Margolin and Alan Podber©2000 Julius Margolin and Alan Podber

Far above the city closer to the sky
You'll see construction workers working way up high

Respect construction workers on sites that you pass by
Remember they're in danger of falling from the sky

Their lives are always threatened by swirling winds that blow
Sudden gusts can throw them to the streets below

Their families and loved ones depend on them for life
They never know if they're coming home to husband or to wife

Construction work's not easy, good wages are a lure
But work is never steady and life is not secure

And yet they build our cities, construct the world we know
Our workplaces and playgrounds, our hospitals and homes

So respect construction workers on sites that you pass by
Remember they're in danger of falling from the sky

Far above the city closer to the sky
You'll see construction workers working way up high


Many thanks to George Mann and Alan Podber for permission to add this song to the Union Songs collection. The song was on the album, "Miles to Go Before We Sleep" published by Running Scared Productions.

Labor folkies George Mann and Julius Margolin have a website at http://georgemann.home.att.net/

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