Union Songs

Might Makes Right, Dear

A song by Mimi Yahn©Mimi Yahn 2003
(Tune: "Ballad of Mack the Knife")

Oh, the mighty strut their stuff, dear
And they fill us full of fear
Yes, the world knows might makes right, dear
For the weak, don't shed a tear.

Well, old Nero was a hero
To the Romans long ago
But their empire was a real hell
And the world cheered when Rome fell.

Well, old Adolph and his Luftwaffe
Slaughtered millions with a laugh
But their evil knew no bounds, see
So they died in infamy.

Now there's Georgie and his bullies
They all think their destiny
Is a global U.S. Imperium
But we know what's in store for them!

Last Chorus:
Oh, the mighty strut their stuff, dear
And they fill us full of fear
But the world knows might's not right, dear
For the bullies, don't shed a tear!


Many thanks to Mimi Yahn for permission to add this song to the Union Songs collection.

Find more of Mimi's work in this collection

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