Union Songs

My Mother Gave Me A Penny

A song by Kristin LemsĀ©2009 Kleine Ding Music (BMI)

- [play]

My mother gave me a penny
To buy some candy
I couldn't buy the candy
It cost a nickel

A nick nick nick nick nickel
It cost a nickel
A piece of penny candy,
It cost a nickel.

My mother gave me a nickel
To buy a pickle
I couldn't buy the pickle
It cost a quarter!

A quar quar quar quar quarter
It cost a quarter
A little nickel pickle
It cost a quarter

My mother gave me a quarter
To buy some soda water
I couldn't buy the water
It cost a dollar!

A do do do do dollar
It cost a dollar
For bubbles in the water
It cost a dollar.

My mother gave me a dollar
so I wouldn't holler
You should have heard me holler
Cause what can you get with a dollar?

Yes, everything is higher
It's just outrageous
Yes, everything is higher
Except my mother's wages!


Many thanks to Kristin Lems for permission to add this song to the Union Songs collection.

Kristin writes:
'I just discovered your excellent resource from someone in Labor Heritage Foundation, who suggested I send you my song(s) ... Thank you for a wonderful site. I will go there many times now that I know it's there. It's the equivalent of Neil Young's anti-war collection!'

Recorded on Equality Road , Kristin Lems, Carolsdatter Productions

Visit Kristin's website at http://kristinlems.com/

Find more of Kristin's work in this collection