Union Songs

Love Songs

A Song by Smokey Dymny©Smokey Dymny 2008

Whenever I hear a love song I wonder why I can't
Write a simple little song for you that doesn't disenchant
There's so many songs - about our human woe, and
Most of them are so-o-o sad they're a carnival side-show.
I'm looking for a love song that aches but it ain't sweet,
A love song with a heart of steel for the emotionally beat.
I'll sing it soft and corny with a heart of desert ice,
So you'll never have to ask again my cynical advice.

I want love songs for the crippled, love songs for the frail
Love songs for the malcontent who just got out of jail.
Love songs for the drugged-out with no attention span.
Love songs for the Manga kid who's heart lives in Japan.

It's probably 'cause I been down a dozen times or so,
And each time I hit bottom - love was a-propos.
But it's not a panacea, it's a panic attack
Doesn't help you see yourself, it's just a dose of crack
It's a crutch for the cripple, it's adrenaline for the frail,
A refuge for the con man, it's a quickie for the male.
It's a lonely hearts compendium of the loveless ones who seek
A way to keep the night at bay and hide their losing streak.

Next time you want a love song I will sing you only one,
Then I'll go back to the songs that show you how to get things done
Songs for all the people, songs for the frail,
Songs for the malcontent who's busted & been jailed. But,
If you only want love for yourself it's the blind among the blind,
It's a never-ending song of woe - does nothing for our kind.
But if your love's for everyone & we're all one human soul,
You'll never, ever be alone when you fall down in your hole.


Many thanks to Smokey Dymny for permission to add this song to the Union Songs collection

See more of Smokey Dymny's work in this collection.

"Smokey's voice is a pork chop with a little bit of road dirt."- Art Farquharson
CDs at: http://store.iww.org/ or:

$17 Cdn, to this address, includes postage.
Smokey Dymny
Box 745, Quathiaski Cove, B.C.
V0P 1N0, Canada
phone: 250-285-2447

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