Union Songs


The Solidarity Singers

of the New Jersey Industrial Union Council

solidarity singers“We are a street chorus, not a concert choir. Our preferred venue is a picket line. We try to lift the spirits of people engaged in struggle and help them to carry on. Only a few of us know how to read music, but we all know which side we’re on.”

Over the past six years, the Solidarity Singers have appeared more than a hundred times on picket lines, at rallies for labor and other progressive causes, and in occasional concert settings, including the annual May Day celebrations at the Botto House/American Labor Museum, where this CD was recorded.

The group is available for scheduling through its director, Bennet D. Zurofsky, at 973-622-8347 or 973-642-0885, or e-mail him at BZurofsky@reitpar.com.

This CD includes 19 songs in English, Spanish, and Yiddish dealing with labor issues affecting public and private sector employees, union organizing, civil rights, and current issues such as globalization, child labor, and the exploitation of workers everywhere. It concludes with a rousing rendition of “Solidarity Forever,” the anthem of the American labor movement, in its original form with all of Ralph Chaplin’s rarely-sung lyrics.

TO PURCHASE DIRECTLY: send a check or money order for $15.00 per CD to Bennet D. Zurofsky, Esq., Suite 1807, 744 Broad Street, Newark, NJ 07102-3867, or to the New Jersey Industrial Union Council, c/o UAW Region 9, 1589 Lamberton Road, Trenton, NJ 08611. ON THE INTERNET: Silk City Records offers the CD for $13.99 plus shipping and handling, and takes all major credit cards, including international credit cards.

Contact them at http://www.silkcitycd.com/online.htm and scroll down to find the listing

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