Union Songs

We Belong to the Union (You Can't Break Me)

A song by Tim O'Brien ©Tim O'Brien 1998

You can bruise my pride
Bust my face
Scatter my rights
All over the place
You can take the bread
From of my plate
But you can't break me!

Lock us out
Chain the gates
Put black shirts in
With dogs and mace
We'll hold the line
Won't step away
'Cause you can't break me!

I belong
You belong
We belong to the Union

Don't count me out
When I'm on the floor
We'll win again
We've won before
The streets will ring
With a mighty roar
'Cause you can't break me!

Stocks rise up
On workers' backs
Profits soar
While you hand out the sack
And boardroom bullies
Bloated and fat
But you can't break me!

Seen Australia sold
To mates offshore
Backroom deals
And shonky law
The day has come
Say "No more!"
'Cause you can't break me!


You belong
We belong to the Union
I belong
You belong
We belong to the Union

We won't turn away
If you dare us to fight
I swear
I'll never lay down and die

I'm in the union mate
Got a right to belong
We'll be back
Millions strong
Women and men
United as one
'Cause you can't break me!

I belong
You belong
We belong to the Union
I belong
You belong
We belong to the Union
I belong
You belong
We belong to the Union

There's a warning here
To the men in grey
The pipers come
it's time to pay
We're taking back
What you stole away
Cause you can't break me!

I belong
You belong
We belong to the Union
I belong
You belong
We belong to the Union
I belong
You belong
We belong to the Union


Many thanks to Tim O'Brien for permission to add this song to the Union Songs site. I first heard one verse of it on an ABC Radio news report.

This song is one of two songs on a fund raising MUA CD available from the ACTU which also includes a dance called "We Belong to the Union (Corrigan Quick-step Dance Mix)", the choreography of the dance taking the following form:

"For this track couples break up into four couples with a drongo or - for this dance - a corrigan in the middle. As the couples dance about, the corrigan attempts to strip assets off the dancers (in a bereft and morally corrupt manner) until no-one has any assets left."

To order the CD send cheque/money order for $10.00 to:

ACTU House
393 - 397 Swantston St.
Victoria 3000

Tim songs the song on the MUA Centenary CD "With These Arms"

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