Union Songs


A poem by John Tomlinson (with Penny Harrington)©1998

Tax reform so they say
will increase our pay
but we'll pay through the nose;
so oppose - GST.
It'll be easy come
and then easy goes
as we pay through the nose;
so oppose - GST.
We don't wish to be rude
but it seems rather crude -
this tax on our food.
When all has been said
we're not fond of bread,
so the poor you will find
to get peace of mind,
eating caviar instead.
Tax reform so they say
will increase our pay
but we'll pay through the nose;
so oppose - GST.
With the tax man your friend
where will it end,
when you've nothing to spend?
You might like to try
for pie in the sky
but you wont want to die:
when that tax sets the pace
and funerals lack grace
so stay in the race.
It'll be easy come
and then easy goes
as we pay through the nose;
so oppose - GST.
A fellow I met
took his dog to the vet,
though full of regret,
he can't pay the bill yet.
I don't want to bore ya
but when I saw my lawyer
he said this'll annoy ya,
you're over the hill
adding tax to your bill
gives me no thrill.
Tax reform so they say
will increase our pay
but we'll pay through the nose;
so oppose - GST.
It'll be easy come
and then easy goes
as we pay through the nose;
so oppose - GST.

A GST on Daffodils

A poem by John Tomlinson ©1998

Fair tax "I weep to see thee fade away so soon
as yet the early rising sun has not attained its noon."

Australians for a Fairer Tax
is a front for business cracks;
big business tells us that they care
and they want a tax that's fair:
fair to them
but not for us.
If it suits them
there'll be no fuss.

A tax circus

A poem by John Tomlinson ©1998

Roll up. Roll up
and see the show
all the taxes in a row.
Everything you'll need to know
as they reap then shall they sow.
A tax on clothes - a tax on bread,
I wish they'd tax the rich instead.

Around Vaucluse, Toorak and Pymble
it's some kind of status symbol.
Life is happy, life is gay,
tax avoidance here to stay.
Tax minimisation is a must
that's why they use the family trust.
A GST to make us humble.
Where's the pea?
Ah, there's the thimble.
If Costello is such a clever dick
why does he need this three card trick?
Instead of ripping off our money,
Geez, I wish the clowns were funny.

Everyone's a winner.
Oh yer?
Come in Spinner.
Roll up. Roll up
and see the show
GST has got to go.
Hay, hay, ho, ho
GST has got to go.


Many thanks to John Tomlinson and Penny Harringtonfor permission to add these poems to the Union Songs site.

For those who dont know GST stands for Goods and Services Tax, we are once again being threatenned with by the incumbent government, the same policy that cost them power before and that they promised never to try again when they were last in election mode.

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